Thursday, August 26, 2004
With Geoge Walker Bush as president, the US hoi
polloi has accepted an ideology in which dumbness and
virtue play "Hide and Seek" and justice and morality
are ignored.
Here's my contrbution of "Bushisms"
"'I'm not going to talk about what I did as a child. What I am going to talk about -- and I am going to say this consistently -- [is that] it is irrelevant what I did 20 to 30 years ago. What's relevant is that I have learned from any mistakes I made. I do not want to send signals to anybody that what Gov. Bush did 30 years ago is cool to try.'
--Gov. Bush in an interview with WMUR-TV in New Hampshire
Hmm. I wonder if that includes Kerry who was busy
being a hero in Viet-Nam, however laudable that is.
But at least he came back and voiced his opposition
to the US war machines' full tilt boogy, while
"shrub" was evading the draft in the National Guard
champagne corp of "children of influential persons"
who weren't about to die in Viet-Nam no matter what
the advantages it would give to US dreams of empire.
The Iraq venture is bound to fail, like in V-N, because
people would rather have native oppressors than a
foreign ones, and possibly even a non-oppressive
representative government. Unlike the US puppet
governments, so beloved by neo-liberals.