Sunday, October 24, 2004

Letter from a Minnesota Highway

Bush and Company Have Already Won

As Ralph Nader points out in this article, the
"Anyone but Bush" strategy adopted by US liberals,
progressives, and peace activists has allowed the
corporate agenda full sway in the coming election.

Monday, October 18, 2004

AlterNet: Fight For Your Freedom to Read

Another victory for creeping fascism in the US as the Congress denies passage of the "Freedom to Read Protection Act"

Yesss, But......

US Vice-Pres Debate Posted by Hello

Friday, October 15, 2004

AlterNet: War on Iraq: Anti-feminists for Iraqi Women

"I am pleased to announce that, as part of the Department of State's Iraqi Women's Democracy Initiative, we are awarding $10 million in grants to several U.S.-based non-governmental organizations to train Iraqi women in the skills and practices of democratic public life…These grants will…mobilize women across the land to build a secure, prosperous and democratic Iraq." – Secretary of State Colin Powell, Sept. 27, 2004