Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hurricane Povertina

From Left Turn: New Orleans Reports by Jordan Flaherty

As a new threat, Hurricane Rita, approaches the Gulf Coast, evacuations are once again suggested for those New Orleanians who had gradually been returning to the devastated city, and also those who had sought refuge in Houston.

In a series of stunning articles, Jordan Flaherty, a native of New Orleans, chronicles the disaster and suggests more harm was and is being done by officials and those seeking to profit from the tragedy than from Katrina.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dubya's Mom puts her foot in it

By E&P Staff
Published: September 05, 2005 7:25 PM ET updated 8:00 PM

Accompanying her husband, former President George
H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in
Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the
poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated,

"This is working very well for them."

In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of
evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost
everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to

Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of
scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is
so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

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